“We cannot become what we want to be by remaining what we are.”


“We cannot become what we want to be by remaining what we are.”

-Max DePree


Love that quote, don’t you? So if you follow us on Facebook or Twitter, you have probably seen posts about smoothies and eating healthier, and all that jazz. You may have also seen my posts about banana bread a couple of weeks ago (yea… my scale must have teamed up with that banana bread to give me a massive “scale scare”)… but in the past week or two we have decided that we want to live a healthier life. We’re making some changes to our eating habits.
Healthy Berry Smoothie - Revival Photography InstagramSalad - Revival Photography InstagramHealthy Berry Yogurt - Revival Photography Instagram
Like many people, we like food and we like to eat out from time to time. Sometimes we eat too much and sometimes we eat too much of the foods we love. We all do. But it’s so EASY to slip into bad habits, especially when you’re busy and on the go all the time (or when you sit at a desk for much of the day). It’s so easy to forget about our health, isn’t it? Things as simple as drinking water or eating our fruits and veggies…
During my prayer time the other day (after I stood on the scale I needed some prayer time lol) I asked God to help me with my diet….my health. I’ve always wanted to be a healthier person and I am for the most part (or at least I’ve always thought of myself as healthy and according to the doctors I’m healthy) but I thought… am I really getting the fullness of “life” with the way I’m eating? I could be so much MORE if I only tried a bit more. So I asked God to help me (because I know myself well, and I know that I have a tough time with discipline when it comes to food sometimes)….
Daily Inspiration - Revival Photography Instagram
So I decided to give it a try….go for it. Jason and I both decided to. We’re taking baby steps in our diet but we’re making progress in a healthy and encouraging way. Haven’t stood on the scale yet because right now I’m not making it about that for myself. I’m making it about taking better care of what God gave me and eating the foods we were meant to eat.
Have you guys seen the documentary called Food Matters? If you haven’t, it’s worth a watch. Definitely makes you think about a lot of things.
Learn more on their website at http://www.foodmatters.tv/ and you can also watch it on Netflix if you have it!
Hope you have a healthy, happy week!
Jason + Heather