Oh wait… is it really November? A bit of a heart to heart post :)

Seriously, where has this year gone? I can’t believe it’s already November. Before we know it, Thanksgiving and Christmas will be here. Gosh, before we know it, it’s going to be 2014! Sheesh! It’s been a bit of a while since we’ve posted a more “personal” blog post. I’m honestly sitting here thinking of what to write. I always say that “my brain spins out of control with thoughts when it shouldn’t (like when I’m trying to sleep or when I’m overthinking something stupid and pointless) and it never seems to work when I really need it to (times like these… when someone asks me who my all-time favorite bands are or who I’m currently spinning at the moment it’s like brain freeze)…” LOL funny how those things work.

So a lot’s been going on the last few months. Fall is such a busy time for us. Lots of Fall weddings and it’s also one of the most beautiful times of the year to do engagement and bridal sessions for those who have a love for Fall (like me :) Been trying to find that “life balance” again. Learning each time I hit times like these, you know? What to do, what not to do. I guess that’s life, we live, we learn, we live….

Over the last months we’ve had the privilege of meeting/hanging out with some pretty amazing people. That’s one thing that I love about doing photography, meeting awesome people along the way and getting to know them. Yea, I know… sounds pretty strange for an introvert like me to say. LOL I remember a time when meeting new people seemed too terrifying for me to even consider….. am I still on the shy-introverted side, yes, most definitely…. but something about “reaching for the stars” and allowing myself to be pushed out of my comfort zone in order to make my dream of being a professional photographer a reality has strengthened me and now I’m doing things I never would have thought I could do several years ago. Yes, God is growing me, filling me with the confidence that I need, and I am so thankful and excited about it. :)

Oh! Big news! We’ve listed our townhouse for sale! :) Exciting stuff. It’s been a bit of a challenge to keep the house clean at all times though. Excited about changes that are around the corner…

Other than all that, we’ve been loving Fall (except Jason admitted the other day that he really doesn’t like pumpkins at ALL *glare*) …love wearing flannel and tall boots….Pumpkin Spice Lattes…. playing my Fall playlist on Spotify while editing (or while driving through falling leaves *sigh* :) Ok, I know, I’m starting to sound cheesy.

Anyway, I‘ll stop rambling now… :)

Take care!




P.S. In case you were wondering if that cat that looks like it’s winking is ours, nope, it’s not. I will have a kitty cat when we move though! harharhar ;)