Styled Wedding Invitation Suite Featuring Basic Invite by Revival Photography

Basic Invite Wedding Invitations and Stationary Photos by Revival Photography

We had the opportunity to try Basic Invite (one of the top wedding websites for invitation design) and design some sample stationery for a styled photo shoot that we did, and we absolutely love how our order turned out! We selected and ordered a few sample items to style and photograph and we chose a blue and floral design with some foiled gold text, which really makes the text pop right off the page and look amazing in photographs.

Basic Invite Wedding Invitations and Stationary Photos by Revival Photography

When we were designing these, it was nice to have the option to really fine-tune the colors and design. The design colors are pretty much unlimited, with 40 different envelope color options as well, which makes them pretty unique among the other stationery design websites. For a bride designing these invites for her wedding, she would be able to color match to her exact colors, which is very nice. The colors they offer by default are really nice too, so if you don't want to mess with too much design customization you wouldn't need to.

Basic Invite is one of the few websites that allows customers the ability to order a printed sample of their actual invitation so they can see exactly how it will print as well as the paper quality before they ever have to place their final order.

Basic Invite Wedding Invitations and Stationary Photos by Revival Photography

Basic Invite offers over 800 wedding invitation sets. For our samples for the styled shoot, we selected a wedding invitation, RSVP, thank card, and envelopes in the "Arctic Florist Foil" style. Some other options could include everything from save the dates to wedding invitations and enclosure cards, wedding menus, wedding programs and even matching thank you cards!

Basic Invite Wedding Invitations and Stationary Photos by Revival Photography

Check out Basic Invite on the web @basicinvite



