Featured Wedding Pro: Tonya Parks Makeup, Charlotte, NC
“As a Freelance Award Winning Makeup Artist for the past 13 years, I have been fortunate enough to meet and work with great clients! I truly feel that I have the best clients in the industry. ”
“I became interested in makeup during college while living with my Aunt who is a much more famous Makeup Artist than myself. During this time, She worked on a popular television show and I was able to frequently tag along to watch behind the scenes, as the talent got ready for each segment. After moving to Charlotte, NC from Orlando, FL I started working for Bobbi Brown Cosmetics. I later became a trained Product Specialist/Featured Artist for some of the top cosmetic brands in the industry. I had the opportunity in working with hundreds of women of all ethnic backgrounds and ages. I gained valuable experience by working with everyday women on a daily basis with some of the best products in the industry. In 2006, I started my freelance makeup company where I provide onsite makeup services for all special occasions, photo shoots, and private/group lessons. In addition to my onsite services, I also conduct educational workshops for everyday women so they can learn how to do their own makeup flawlessly. ”
“Out of all the clients I serve, weddings are definitely my favorite. I get to work with amazing clients on one of the most memorable days of their life. All of my work is done onsite. Therefore, I get to again see the behind the scenes activity before the wedding takes place. My secret to success is the ability to really listen to what my clients want and be able to transform their ideas into exactly what they had envisioned.”
“My favorite part of doing wedding makeup is actually the trial consultation with the Bride. This is the time I get to really learn more about her and how the couple met, where they are going on the honeymoon, and what she has left with the wedding planning. All while I’m learning more about her, I’m transforming her ideas of makeup into fruition. When I pass her the mirror for a final reveal and she smiles as she says “I love it”….THAT is my favorite moment!”
Here's how to get in touch:
Tonya Parks - Makeup Artist
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