7 Ways to Celebrate Marriage on your Wedding Day
When planning a wedding, it's all too easy to get wrapped up in everything and lose sight of the main reason for the wedding day.
The wedding day is only the start of a life-long journey.
It's only the very beginning.
Here are 7 great ways to celebrate marriage in your wedding day....
1. Love Letters - Write each other love notes on the wedding day, exchange them, and then keep them to look back on for years to come. Some choose to read the notes and some choose to put the notes into a box during the wedding ceremony called the "Fight Box". Read on to learn more about the "Fight Box" tradition!
2. "Foot Washing Ceremony" - A powerful way to represent and symbolize love, commitment, humility, honor and respect to each other.
“The foot washing ceremony is something that I have always wanted to do. We both have a Christian faith, and one of my favorite passages is the one where Jesus washes the disciple’s feet. To me there is nothing more honoring than serving one another in love. The foot washing ceremony represents Garrett and I serving one another from the very beginning and putting the other before ourselves.”
3. "Fight Box" - Here's how the tradition goes...during the ceremony, the couple will take love notes they have written to each other (some choose to also include notes and advice from guests as well), a bottle of wine, and glasses - these will all be placed into a box, and then they each take turns hammering the box shut until the box is sealed. The bride + groom agree to keep the box sealed until a special anniversary, or unless they hit a tough place in marriage, aka "the fight" and in that event, they will open the box, pour the wine, read the letters and then reflect back on the wedding day, the promises they have made to each other and what marriage is all about.
4. Give + Take - Think of activities that you both enjoy and incorporate those things into the wedding day! (A great lesson on give and take, and compromise, quite possibly!)
5. Prayer/ 1st Moment - Share an intimate prayer or moment together on the day of the wedding. These moments are powerful and meaningful, memories you'll never forget in your marriage.
6. Wedding Advice from Guests - Leave note cards and pens on the reception tables for guests to leave marriage advice for you.. can be anything from words of wisdom to date night ideas!
7. "The Anniversary Dance" - The anniversary dance is a special dance for all the married couples, and basically a way to honor the couple(s) attending the wedding who have been together the longest. Throughout the song, the DJ names off the number of years being married, starting with less than one year, and then narrows it down, leaving the couple who have been married the longest. At the end of the song the couple will share words of wisdom with the bride + groom and take a photo with them as well! Such a fun way to honor marriage and commitment!
Jason + Heather
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